

Friday 24th January 2025

In response to the Red Weather Warning for Friday 24th January Tynan Surgery will be providing emergency service only.

Any pre-booked appointments are being cancelled. 

If we lose electricity supply we will not be able to provide any service as our phone system will not work. 

This will affect the repeat script line as well so there may be unavoidable delays.


Ms Caroline Anne Rice

Practice based Pharmacists

The Practice now has two part-time specialist Pharmacists working alongside the Practice GPs and nursing staff. They have a central role in the monitoring of medications, the issuing of prescription sand in promoting safety with respect to prescribing.

They also have specialist interest in Blood Pressure and asthma management. You may be offered an appointment with our Practice Based Pharmacists for follow up and monitoring of these conditions.
These posts are supported by the Armagh GP Federation.

Mrs Paula Henderson (f)

Practice based Pharmacists

The Practice now has two part-time specialist Pharmacists working alongside the Practice GPs and nursing staff. They have a central role in the monitoring of medications, the issuing of prescription sand in promoting safety with respect to prescribing.

They also have specialist interest in Blood Pressure and asthma management. You may be offered an appointment with our Practice Based Pharmacists for follow up and monitoring of these conditions.
These posts are supported by the Armagh GP Federation.

Health Visitors

A health visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women. Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing.

Attached Staff

Teaching Practice

Dear Patients,

You will be aware we are a teaching practice for Queen’s University, Belfast. We provide clinical attachments for 4th year medical students over the academic year. We greatly appreciate your cooperation with allowing the students to take part in your consultations and our students always report very positive feedback on their experience here. Thank you for your patience and friendliness towards them.

Providing a positive experience in General Practice is very important in encouraging young doctors to train as the GPs of the future.

We have recently agreed to work with the Ulster University to provide a clinical attachment for their new Physician’s Associate (PA) post graduate course.

We are a teaching practice for  PA trainees. Trainees will be learning with all members of our team including the Doctors and the Practice Nurses. We would like to thank you in anticipation of your help in providing them with a varied clinical experience over the next 2 years.

As always you will be informed when your health care professional is working with a student and we do appreciate that there may be times when you would prefer not to have a student involved in your consultation and we will understand if you decline.

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