

Friday 24th January 2025

In response to the Red Weather Warning for Friday 24th January Tynan Surgery will be providing emergency service only.

Any pre-booked appointments are being cancelled. 

If we lose electricity supply we will not be able to provide any service as our phone system will not work. 

This will affect the repeat script line as well so there may be unavoidable delays.

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Welcome to the website for Tynan Surgery

Our website will provide clear and concise help and give our patients the information they require in an easy and convenient format. It has been designed with the patient’s needs at the forefront of everything, from checking surgery times to letting us know what you think of us.

Requesting Repeat Prescriptions Online

Patients wishing to register their interst on ordering your scripts online, please complete the form below and return to the Surgery.



Flu Vaccination Programme

If you are eligible for the flu vaccination please speak to Tynan Surgery.  Patients who are aged over 65 years of age and those in special at risk groups will be asked to attend for flu vaccination. 


Shingles Vaccination

Patients who are aged 70 and 78 years maybe eligible to receive the Shingles vaccination. We will be asking patients who are eligible to attend for shingles vaccination.

Contraceptive Services

The Practice offers ladies a full range of contraceptive services.  Please ask your Doctor if you require further information.


Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
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